

《記者》曾獲提名角逐2009年辛丹士電影節(Sundance Film Festival)的最佳紀錄片,講述《紐約時報》記者紀思道(Nicholas Kristof)在剛果民主共和國的採訪行蹤。紀思道是兩屆普立茲獎的得主,因為他的報道,蘇丹的達爾富爾衝突才得到國際社會的關注。



Charity Premiere “Reporter”

The event, held on 18 June 2011, was organized by the CUHK Journalism and Communication Alumni Association. One of the 4th Refugee Film Festival’s movies, “Reporter”, was shown as a charity premiere. More than 100 alumni and students crowded the venue.

“Reporter” is a feature documentary about Nicholas Kristof, the two-time Pulitzer Prize winning columnist for the New York Times, who almost single-handedly put the crisis in Darfur on the world map. The film puts the viewer in Kristof’s pocket, revealing the man and his methods, and just how and why real reporting is vital to our democracy, our world-awareness, and our capacity to be a force for good.

After the film show, Mr. Au Ka-lun Allan, veteran documentary producer and Ms. Cheung Chui-yung Susanna, renowned journalist and war correspondent, shared their thoughts on the film. They held the view that media in Hong Kong seldom covers stories in developing countries not because of the lack of resources but the resource allocation problem. Alumni commented that it was a meaningful experience and hoped that the Alumni Association would continue to hold different kinds of activities in the future.

Alumni and students made donations to United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) with great enthusiasm.

Ms. Cheung Wang-yim Lavender expressed that she felt helpless whenever she witnessed the miserable conditions as she made reports in poor countries.

Ms. Cheung Chui-yung Susanna thought that even if reporters got the chance to explore in the battlefield, they would be puzzled if they did not armed themselves with knowledge.

Mr. Au Ka-lun Allan thought that the mission of journalists is to excavate the truth but not to change the world.