Mentorship Programme Launching Party 18.2.2012



The launching party for the fourth Mentorship Programme co-organized by the School of Journalism and Communication and the Alumni Association was held at the Staff Canteen of the New Asia College CUHK on 18 February 2012. A dozen of mentors from the industries of newspaper, TV, radio, public relations and advertising joined the ceremony to share their experience with 2 dozens of students.

This year’s mentorship programme has won the support of many outstanding alumni. In his speech to inaugurate the programme, Prof. Anthony FUNG, Director of the School, thanked the mentors for their participation in the programme and shared his own experience of learning from his mentors. Mentors attending the party also took turns to share their experience. Mr. LO Wing Hung, CEO of the Sing Tao News Corporation Limited told the party that he planned to go back to Mainland China to work as a teacher when he graduated. However, he changed his plan after seeking opinion from a senior. Thus, he was now very willing to share his experience with mentees.

Although all mentors are busy professionals, all of them welcome and encourage mentees to contact them. The mentors also believed that mentors and mentees could learn from each other.


商業電台節目主持 區穎琳小姐
廣告創作人 歐陽玉娥女士
香港交易所企業傳訊部門主管 陳涓涓小姐
資深傳媒人 張圭陽先生
《南華早報》記者 周敏芝小姐
中央電視台記者 何潤鋒先生
Ouch Communications創作總監 何倩芳小姐
新城電台節目總監、東亞唱片顧問兼鄭秀文經理人 郭啟華先生
香港有線新聞有限公司記者 林妙茵小姐
頭條日報助理總編輯 劉國業先生
Senior Project Manager / Country Manager - Philippines, Outblaze 李樹彥先生
AM730社長兼總編輯 盧覺麟先生
盈科拓展集團高級副總裁 魯庭暉先生
星島新聞集團有限公司行政總裁/社長 盧永雄先生
香港電台電視部監製 潘達培先生
陽光衛視旗下新媒體雜誌《陽光時務》視覺總監 邱晨小姐
nowTV新聞台財經記者兼主播 譚凱韻小姐
縱橫公共關係顧問集團董事長兼董事總經理 曾立基先生
nowTV新聞台記者 黃嘉瑜小姐
香港有線新聞有限公司記者 黃潔慧小姐
香港市務學會理事會主席 嚴啟明先生

Participants gathered for a photo after the banquet.