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Winners of the 11th Chinese University Journalism Award were announced on Dec 16, 2023. Here is the full list of winners:

Best Text & Print News Reporting

Title of the winning entry Name(s) of winner(s) Publication venue
Grand Award He Jiankui granted Hong Kong’s Top Talent Pass Scheme Wai-ming CHEUNG, Yau-nga Alpha CHAN Ming Pao
Certificate of Merit Hong Kong immigration officials recieves HK$3,388 from Evergrande top brasses. The Immigration Department vowed to follow up on the incident as officials claim there were no breaching of code of conduct Stand News Investigation Team Stand News

Best Text & Print News Feature

Title of the winning entry Name(s) of winner(s) Publication venue
Grand Award Human trafficking and telecom fraud: Cries for help from Myanmar and Cambodia HK01 Investigative Reporting Team and HK01 International News Team HK01
Certificate of Merit Series: Books removed from the shelves of Hong Kong public libraries Raymond CHENG, Yi-yang Judy CHAN, Chun-yu SY Ming Pao

Best Video News Reporting

Title of the winning entry Name(s) of winner(s) Publication venue
Grand Award Investigative report: Hong Kong top officials’ fined for breaking social distancing rules during a private clubhouse dinner, as the government stays mum on the incident Stand News Investigation Team Stand News
Certificate of Merit Data analysis on lawsuits related to the 2019 PolyU conflict Sum-yi LAM, Ka-kei FUNG, Jun-sheng LEE The Witness

Best Video News Feature

Title of the winning entry Name(s) of winner(s) Publication venue
Grand Award Stand News: Investigative report into the 2012 Lamma Island ferry collision Sze-sze CHENG, Yuen-ting Catherine CHAN, Shun-hei CHAN, Kai-shing Victor LAW, Yuet-yui Joyce LO, Chi-ho MAK, Kit-san CHAN, Yui-ching Helena CHENG Stand News
Certificate of Merit News Magazine: Speculating subsided housing in Hong Kong Chin-ming TO, Qianqian LI, Hiu-fung TUNG TVB Jade Channel

Best Audio News Reporting / News Feature

Title of the winning entry Name(s) of winner(s) Publication venue
Grand Award Series: Controversial health products claiming to protect users against COVID-19 and cancer Hiu-kwan CHAN, Ho-fung YAM Radio Television Hong Kong
Certificate of Merit Inside China Podcast: Are protests in Beijing,
Shanghai and beyond changing China’s zero-Covid policy?
Jarrod WATT South China Morning Post

Best Multimedia News Reporting

Title of the winning entry Name(s) of winner(s) Publication venue
Grand Award Life in Hong Kong’s shoebox housing Adolfo ARRANZ, Marcelo DUHALDE, Kaliz LEE, Han HUANG, Dennis WONG, Lawrence GE, Tom LEUNG South China Morning Post
Certificate of Merit What should we be worried about Japan’s plan to discharge radioactive waste water in Fukushima? Wing-kei Vicki MO, Sai-cheong SIN HK01

Panel of Judges

CUJA has been widely recognized and supported in the profession of journalism and its panel of judges has comprised heads of media organizations, veteran journalists and journalism schools and departments of universities in Hong Kong. Members of the Panel of Judges for the 11th CUJA are as follows (in alphabetical order of surname)

Mr. Kam-keung CHAN
Deputy Editorial Director, Ming Pao Daily News

Prof. Donna CHU
Director, School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Prof. King-wa FU
Professor, Journalism and Media Studies Centre, The University of Hong Kong

Mr. Tak-hung FUNG
Chief Media Strategy Officer, HK01

Ms. Regina Wai-ling KWAN
Director, News and Infotainment, i-CABLE Communications Limited

Ms. Alice KWOK
Chief Editor, Hong Kong Economic Journal

Mr. Felix LAW
Director, News and Public Affairs, Hong Kong Commercial Broadcasting Company Limited

Prof. Kaman LEE
Head, Department of Journalism and Communication, Hong Kong Shue Yan University

Prof. Raymond LI
Head, Department of Journalism, Hong Kong Baptist University

Mr. Alan LO
Publisher, am730

Mr. Chan LOH
Chairperson, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Journalism and Communication Alumni Association

Mr. Sai-ming Simon TSANG
Chief Editor, Hong Kong Economic Times

Prof. Scarlet Hung TSO
Dean, School of Communication, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

Prof. David WONG
Former Head, Department of Journalism and Communication, Hong Kong Chu Hai College

Ms. Kam-fung WONG
Head, Chinese News and Current Affairs, Radio Television Hong Kong

Mr. Chi-wai YUEN
Assistant General Manager (News & Information Services), Television Broadcasts Limited

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