


傳播學部主任賽詩雅教授致歡迎詞,為是次活動拉開序幕。Prof. Saskia Witteborn, Head of Division of Communication, kicked off the event by giving a welcome speech.

傳播學部主任賽詩雅教授致歡迎詞,為是次活動拉開序幕。Prof. Saskia Witteborn, Head of Division of Communication, kicked off the event by giving a welcome speech.


TPg Alumni Sharing and Lunch Gathering 2018

Over one hundred and thirty students, professors and alumni from five Taught Postgraduate Programmes joined the Alumni Sharing and Lunch Gathering on 11 March 2018. Five alumni came back to share with current postgraduate students their work experience, difficulties encountered and how they overcame them, job-seeking tips, students’ career paths, etc. After the sharing session, everyone had a great time catching up while enjoying a wonderful lunch buffet.

多位教授及校友出席是次活動,並與同學們分享。 Professors and alumni attended the event and shared their thoughts with the students.

Professors and alumni attended the event and shared their thoughts with the students.

同學們對於是次活動反應熱烈,參加人數達一百三十人。 A total of 130 students, professors and alumni from five Taught Postgraduate Programmes joined the event

A total of 130 students, professors and alumni from five Taught Postgraduate Programmes joined the event