本院於2018年1月27日舉辦「Finding 張佬——中大新傳體驗日」,旨在透過各種體驗活動、工作坊及遊戲,讓中學生了解本院的課程,初嚐傳播教育的滋味。活動吸引了50位中四及中五的學生參加。他們在短短的一日內,體驗做記者、做主播、拍廣告的工作,又參加了與攝影、電台及電視節目製作相關的學習活動及遊戲。
Day Camp for Secondary School Students
A day camp, namely “Finding張佬——中大新傳體驗日”, was held on 27 January 2018 for 50 secondary school students. The participants were all Form 4 & 5 students from local secondary schools. A wide range of activities, such as news reporting game, photography workshop, TV studio and radio studio exploration activities, were offered to let participants have a taste of journalism and communication education.