Violeta Camarasa (M.A. in Global Communication, 2012 ), Freelance Communication Consultant
Where do you come from? Very often it is the first question we ask when we meet someone. It is also the first information I was encouraged to provide in this article. Alright. I grew up in a small town by the Mediterranean Sea called Alboraia, 300 km south from Barcelona. Now your mind is trying to find out what would be the “right” answer: “That’s Spain, right? So you are European”. Does that question really matter? Do the other Top 10 questions, such as ‘what is your job?’ matter either?

Violeta Camarasa giving a talk via Skype to cultural diplomacy students attending the Diplomatic Agenda 2013 conference in Bucharest (Romania)
I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to teach a seminar in the same program I had just finished about one of my passions: How the Internet is changing the world? So I became a freelancer and combined my projects with the lectures at the university. And guess what? I discovered I did not need a full time job to survive. I discovered I was free (we are all free) to organize my life according to my own interests and priorities. And it feels awesome!
So I let my passion rule my life. How is the Internet changing the world? It is indeed a thrilling topic, and I do believe the Internet has the power to change the world in many ways. However after a couple of years of teaching, working on social media projects for companies, reading and participating in related non-profit initiatives (i.e. I am an editor at Global Voices Online), I realized the important question is a different one: How is the Internet NOT changing the world?