

2018「傳人對話」系列講座Conversations with Communicators talk series 2018

新聞與傳播學院傳播碩士課程於2018年9月舉行了「傳人對話」講座,邀請了紐約時報的Asia Business Editor — Carlos Tejada先生及香港雙語棟篤笑匠 — Vivek Mahbubani先生作為演講嘉賓。

2018傳人對話」系列講座 – Carlos Tejada

本課程於2018年9月1日舉行了首場「傳人對話」講座,邀請了《紐約時報》的Asia Business Editor — Carlos Tejada先生以「What future does the New York Times see for journalism in Asia」為主題,與公眾分享他的獨特見解。當天有超過160位學生、職員、校友及公眾人士出席講座,並在問答環節中踴躍發問,與演講者進行了深度交流。

Conversations with Communicators talk series 2018 – Carlos Tejada

On 1 September 2018, Asia Business Editor from The New York Times, Mr. Carlos Tejada, was invited by Division of Communication to give a talk on “What future does the New York Times see for journalism in Asia”. Over 160 students, staff, alumni and the general public attended the talk and had meaningful interactions with the speaker.


2018傳人對話」系列講座 – V

新聞與傳播學院傳播碩士課程於2018年9月10日舉行了第二場「傳人對話」講座,邀請了香港雙語棟篤笑匠 — Vivek Mahbubani先生作為「Crossing Cultures with Comedy」講座的演講嘉賓。身為2007 年全港中文楝篤笑大賽的冠軍人馬,阿V以幽默的手法與大家分享了自己對多元文化的見解。

Conversations with Communicators talk series 2018 – Vivek Mahbubani

On 10 September 2018, Hong Kong bilingual stand-up comedian, Mr. Vivek Mahbubani, was invited by Division of Communication to give a talk on “Crossing Cultures with Comedy”. Having been crowned the Funniest Person in Hong Kong in 2007, Vivek shared about his insights into cultural diversity in an interesting and humorous way.
