



方可成教授2019年畢業於美國賓夕法尼亞大學安南伯格傳播學院,同年夏天他加入香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院。方可成教授的博士論文題為《Mapping Media Bias in China(中國媒體的偏向性)》。他在論文中運用了複雜的計算機輔助內容分析法、網絡分析法、數據可視化以及深度訪談法,描繪出31家主要中國媒體的意識形態分佈,並詳細分析了它們在哪些議題上與官方保持一致,又在哪些議題上具備更多的靈活性。他還研究了這一分佈從2010年到2016年的變化情況,並提出了一個更具廣泛可應用性的理論模型,可供我們在更多樣的時空背景下理解媒體偏向性問題。

美國賓夕法尼亞大學安南伯格傳播學院Michael X. Delli Carpini教授在提名信中寫道:「可成論文中的這些原創性的發現以及他對這些發現的詮釋,不僅提供了更細緻入微、更有見地的中國媒介圖景,也為研究國家媒體經濟系統提供了更全球性、更便於比較的模型和方法,這些是以往的理論和方法很難做到的。我認為這篇博士論文對該研究領域具有重大貢獻,也是我40餘年來指導過最優秀的博士論文之一。」


Professor Fang Kecheng was recently awarded the Outstanding Dissertation Award of Chinese Communication Association (CCA).

Prof. Fang received his Ph.D. degree from the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania and joined CUHK in 2019. His dissertation is entitled Mapping Media Bias in China. Using both sophisticated computer assisted content analysis, network analysis, data visualization, and in-depth interviews with members of the Chinese media, he “maps” the ideological space inhabited by 31 major print, television, and online news media in China to better understand how these media do and often do not align themselves with the official ideology; assesses how this space has changed from 2010 to 2016; and uses his findings to develop a more adaptable and generalizable theory of media bias across time and across nations.

According to his nominator Prof. Michael X. Delli Carpini, “these original findings, and Kecheng’s interpretation of them, not only provide a more nuanced, insightful picture of the Chinese media landscape than has prior research, but also provide a more globally and comparatively useful model and method for studying national media eco-systems than existing theory and methods allow. I consider this dissertation to be a major contribution to the field, and one of the best I have supervised in my 40 plus years as a PhD advisor.”

Congratulations to Kecheng!