


學院於2017-18學年共派出28位學生赴美國南加州大學(University of Southern California)、美國德州大學奧斯汀分校(The University of Texas at Austin)、荷蘭鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大學(Erasmus University Rotterdam)、日本早稻田大學(Waseda University)、韓國翰林大學(Hallym University)及台灣國立政治大學(National Chengchi University)進行為期一年或一學期的交流學習。



“It was such a great opportunity for me to exchange to the University of Southern California which was definitely a life-changing experience impacting on my internal growth, social life and global views.” Rammie Chiu, Year 4.

“It was such a great opportunity for me to exchange to the University of Southern California which was definitely a life-changing experience impacting on my internal growth, social life and global views.” Rammie Chiu, Year 4.

A field trip to Los Angeles Times which as part of the Photojournalism course Lynette Zhang took at University of Southern California. She said unlike traditional photography training, students were taken to museums, galleries and local news agencies to have first-hand experience here.

A field trip to Los Angeles Times which as part of the Photojournalism course Lynette Zhang took at University of Southern California. She said unlike traditional photography training, students were taken to museums, galleries and local news agencies to have first-hand experience here.

