




Prof. Michael Chan (Associate Professor of our School), Ms. Panfeng Hu (Ph.D. student), and Mr. Macau Mak (M.Phil. student) received the Top Paper Award and Top Method Paper Award of Communication Theory & Methodology Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 2020 Conference for the paper entitled “Mediation Analysis and Warranted Inferences in Media and Communication Research: Examining Research Design in the Field’s Prominent Journals”.

Congratulations to Michael, Panfeng, and Macau!


過去二十年,中介效應分析(mediation analysis)在傳播研究的應用愈趨頻密。本文聚焦研究設計,分析333篇於1996至2007年期間在Journal of Communication、Human Communication Research、Communication Research、Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly刊登的文章。分析結果顯示,雖然大部分研究均匯報有統計顯著性的中介效應,但當中根據中介效應作出的因果推論並不充分。這些研究的作者不時直接推斷他們發現的中介變量(mediators)為「真正」的中介變量,卻沒有承認或討論其他有可能的研究模型及中介變量。本文建議傳播研究將來應多加留意研究設計,以及承認相關設計對因果推論的影響。本文亦有討論如何採納更嚴謹的研究設計。

Abstract of the paper:
The number of communication studies employing mediation analysis has increased
exponentially in in the past two decades. Focusing on the aspect of research design, this study examines 333 articles published in the Journal of Communication, Human Communication Research, Communication Research, and Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly between 1996-2007. Findings show that even though the majority of studies report statistically significant mediation, they are inadequate to make causal inferences about the mediating mechanisms. Authors also often infer that the significant mediators they uncovered are the ‘true’ mediators while plausible alternative models and mediators are rarely acknowledged or discussed. Future studies should pay more attention to the role of research design and acknowledge how it affects the degree in which causal inferences can be made. More rigorous research designs are also proposed.

