「正直的人獎學金 2017-2018」得獎結果
“When No One Calls it Rape” (《Varsity》作品) 李珮盈、楊沂及黃穎然
「旺角街霸」(COMM2740廣播新聞期末習作) 林心怡
博士研究生紀盈如及蔡曉瑩 喜獲最佳論文獎
New Teacher in our school, Professor LIAO, Sara Xueting
I am now one of the teachers of the newly-founded undergraduate Global Communication program. The program welcomed its first cohort of 21 students last year. They come from diverse backgrounds: South Korea, Taiwan, China, the Philippines, and of course Hong Kong. This is the first undergraduate program in Hong Kong to be offered in collaboration with the School of Media, Film and Music at the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom.